The BNI Mindset
Welcome to the podcast for BNI members who want to expand their BNI mindset. I focus on taking your membership and your business to the next level using tips and strategies for increased referrals from a BNI mindset perspective.
116 episodes
Help! I'm a new BNI member and can't make BNI fit in my schedule
In this episode, I recommend some items to try as you adjust to life with BNI.
Episode 107

How to take a break and keep your momentum
In this episode I go over some strategies for taking a break AND staying on track, both in your business and in BNI.
Episode 106

No one comes when I invite
In this episode, I talk about some of the questiona you can ask yourself to improve your visitor attendance.
Episode 105

episode 104 - getting back to full engagement
In this episode, I talk about the time it takes to re-engage. This is where we remember that BNI is not a switch.
Episode 104

The membership committe and the mentoring mentality
In this episode, I talk about creating an envirinment where the membership committee can truly become a mentor. Lots of benefits to this mentality and environment!
Episode 103

the power is in the seed
In this episode I talk about trusting the process. I cover how using the seed we call BNI can make us successful even if we are not very good "gareners".
Episode 102

episode 101 - BNI Unicorns and mindset
In this episode, I talk about the value of unicorns and the importance of mindset in any category.

The 80/20 rule and BNI re-visited
In this episode I revisit the concept of 80/20 and how to use it to evaluate your BNI performance.
Episode 100

Your Feature Presentation - the 8 week project
In this episode I approach your feature presentation as a project that requires you to prepare OTHERS.
Episode 99

episode 98 - the art of conversation
In this episode, I discuss the gift of giving people a "rope" to hang on to as you have conversations. This rope will help you give people the opportunity to have meaningfull converstions with you.
Episode 98

Leave it better than you found it
In this episode, I talk about how visiting a BNI chapter will benefit a consumer who has no intentionof joining a BNI chapter and why we want them to experience the entire meeting.
Episode 97

Probtation is a kindness!
er3In this episode I cover all the reasons why I believe probation is a kindness to the struggling member as well as to the chapter in general.
Episode 96

Hold the vision revisited
In this episode I talk about some specific strategies you can use in BNI for holding on to your business vision even when the world seems out of control.

Positive attitude is about how you react
Hello! In this episode I talk about the importance of reactions.

Serve your chapter
In this episode, I discuss the benefits to you when you serve your chapter from the perspective of the seven core values.
Episode 93

Hold the vision
In this episode I talk about losing sight of your goal. This happens to us all. I go over just a few things to help stay on track.

The feeling of flight
Hello! In this episode I talk about that feeling in your stomach just before flight and how you can feel that same feeling in BNI and your business.
Episode 91

In this episode I talk about the value of perseverence and how to persevere when it comes to maximizing the effectiveness of your one to ones,
Episode 90

The beauty of failure
In some industries failure is not an option! In fact I think NASA is a perfect example: FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION. In BNI, that is NOT the case. For us, there is a certain beauty in failure.
Episode 89

The second year
In this episode, Italk about the unique apects of the second year of membership.
Episode 88

A good word for the BNI Basics
In this episode I try to summarize the BNI basics and talk a bit about why BNI is nothing new and still valuable.
Episode 87

check the way you think about BNI
In thisepisode I talk about the blending of BNI and your business to maximize your success.
Episode 86

patience and relationships
In this episode I share more about me :) and talk about how patience plays a role in relationship building;even when you systemitize it.
Episode 85